
Community Driven University

Since 1996, the Faculty has grown bigger in human resources.
As of now,
there are 62 academicians & researchers, with 14 supporting staffs to strengthen the Faculty's core business and services.
Without these people, the Faculty could not achieve what you see today.

UNIMAS Training Calendar

Feb 1, 2025 - Feb 28, 2025

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Need someone to talk to?

Our Counselor will always be there if you need someone to talk to.

Being listened to in confidence, and accepted without prejudice, can alleviate general distress, despair and suicidal feelings.

Often being listened to is enough to help someone through a time of distress.  Even just showing that you are there for them, and that you know they are going through a distressing time, can in itself be a comfort.

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Fresh & Trusted.
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