   by Programme

Dr Nor Afiza binti Abu BakarProgram Coordinator (International Economics & Service Economics)

Dr. Dzul Hadzwan b HusainiProgram Coordinator (Business Economics)

Professor Dr. Rossazana binti Ab. RahimSenior Lecturer

Professor Dr. Liew Khim SenCoordinator Corporate Master Business Administration (CMBA)

Professor Dr. Evan Lau Poh HockDeputy Dean (Research and Commercialization)

Associate Professor Dr. Jerome Kueh Swee HuiInternational Journal of Business & Society Managing Editor

Dr. Mohd Khairul Hisyam HassanDeputy Dean (Undergraduate)

Dr. Shirly Wong Siew LingCoordinator of Postgraduate Coaching

Farhana binti IsmailSenior Lecturer

Haslan OttotSenior Lecturer

Associate Professor Dr. Mohd Shahidan bin ShaariSenior Lecturer

Professor Dr. Puah Chin Hong @ Puah Chin FangChief Executive Officer (UNIMAS Business School)

Professor Dr. Mohammad Affendy bin AripDirector Centre for Graduate Studies

Associate Professor Dr. Dayang Affizah Awang MarikanDean

Dr. Muhammad Asraf b AbdullahSenior Lecturer

Dr. Rosita binti HamdanPostgraduate Coordinator

Dr. Nur Zaimah binti UbaidillahDeputy Dean (Industry and Community Engagement)

Audrey LiwanLecturer

Nur Nadhira bt BaharuddinLecturer

Dr. Salawati bt SahariHead of Department (Accounting)

Dr Mohd Sabrun IbrahimProgram Coordinator (Accounting)

Associate Professor Michael anak TinggiSenior Lecturer

Dr. Asri MarsidiSenior Lecturer

Dr. Damien Lee Iung YauSenior Lecturer

Joanne Shaza JanangCoordinator of Industrial Training

Suzila bt Mohamed YusofLecturer

Associate Professor Dr. Shamsul Anuar bin Abdul RahimSenior Lecturer

Muhammad Waliuddin b Mohd RazaliSenior Lecturer

Dr. Sharifah Sabrina bt Syed AliSenior Lecturer

Nazaria bt Md. ArisLecturer

Ahmad Syubaili b MohamedLecturer (On Study Leave)

Bakri bin Abdul KarimProgram Coordinator (Finance)

Profesor Dr. Mohamad bin JaisDirector (Financial Technology Centre)

Dr. Josephine Yau Tan HwangSenior Lecturer

Nurul Izza binti Abd. MalekSenior Lecturer (Study Leave)

Mohd Naim bin KamaruzamanLecturer

Dr Nur Farrahanie binti Ahmad TarmiziLecturer

Dr Chin Chee LingLecturer

Dr Sophee Sulong bin BaliaSenior Lecturer

Norlina bt. Hj. KadriLecturer

Nurul Syuhada binti ZaidiLecturer

Dr Fatin Nur Hidayah binti Taib KhanLecturer

Dr Nuradibah binti MokhtarLecturer

Dr Siti Aisyah bt Ya'kobProgram Coordinator (Marketing)

Associate Professor Dr. Mahani Mohammad Abdu ShakurSenior Lecturer

Dr. Janifer LunyaiDeputy Dean (Student Affairs and Alumni)

Nordiana bt Ahmad NordinProgram Coordinator (Undergraduate Commercial)

Nor Naiem Bt BabuLecturer

Associate Professor Dr. Norazirah binti Hj. AyobDirector of UNIMAS Entrepreneurship Centre (UEC)

Dr. Asmaul Husna bin Haris FadzilahCoordinator Doctor of Business Administration(DBA)

Azuriaty AtangLecturer

Dr Muhammad Farhan JalilLecturer

Mohd Uzairi Ahmad HajaziProgram Coordinator (Corporate Management)

Professor Dr. Lo May ChiunSenior Lecturer (Sabbatical Leave)

Professor Dr. Harry EntebangSenior Lecturer (Secondment LKTS)

Associate Professor Dr. Hamrila bt Abd LatifCoordinator Open Distance Learning (ODL) CMBA

Associate Professor Dr. Abang Azlan MohamadDeputy Chief Digital Officer

Dr. Irma Yazreen bt Md YusoffCoordinator of Academic Quality

Farah Dipah binti KhalidLecturer

Dr. Fadilah bt SialiProCEL Coordinatorr

Associate Professor Dr. Rohaya binti Mohd NorSenior Lecturer (Unpaid Leave 2023-2025)

Associate Professor Dr. Kartinah bt AyuppInternational Journal of Business & Society Chief Editor

Associate Professor Dr. Helen Tan Sui HongDeputy Director Strategic Planning, Quality and Risk Management Centre (SQRC)

Dr. Khairil Annuar b Mohd KamalSenior Lecturer

Dr. Nur Constance WahSenior Lecturer

Muhammad Hafiz bin Mohd ShukriSenior Lecturer

Dr Mazdan bin Ali AmaranDeputy Director for Career and Graduate Employability Department