
The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) is expanding its network with international universities/institutions in nine countries (Cambodia, Indonesia, Italy, Myanmar, Pakistan, Scotland, Switzerland, Thailand, and the United Kingdom) as well as domestic industries.

This is consistent with the Strategic Focus: Global Prominence of the UNIMAS Strategic Plan, which seeks to establish collaborations with key international and local stakeholders. It is essential for FEB to strategically position itself internationally and locally to maximise collaboration opportunities with strategic MoU/MoA partners.

FEB has signed a total of 32 MOUs and MOAs, including 18 MOUs and 6 MOAs with international universities and 6 MOUs and 2 MOAs with domestic businesses. The collaborations include:

  • research and development activities on areas of mutual interests;
  • participation in conferences, seminars, teaching, training, and outreach activities;
  • staff and student exchange, research and student mobility programs including semester abroad;
  • graduate studies (Co-Supervision/External Examiners/Students);
  • any other areas of co-operation to be mutually agreed upon by the Parties
Local MoU
International MoU
Local MoA
International MoA

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)


Malaysian Industrial Development Finance Berhad (MIDF)   |   NEM Malaysia Sdn Bhd   |   Estream Software Sdn Bhd   |   Regal Lands Sdn Bhd   |   Sunway Tes (East Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (Kolej Sunway Kuching)   |   Sarawak Entrepeneur Association (SEA)


Bahria Unversity   |   American University of Phnom Penh   |   University Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta   |   University of Cooperative Sagaing   |   GIFT Univesity   |   Universita Muhammadiyah Malang   |   University of Sanio Universitas Indonesia   |   Universitas Brawijaya   |   Institute of Business Management   |   Geneva School of Business   |   Phuket Rajabhat University   |   The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland   |   Tanjungpura University (UNTAN)   |   University of Hull   |   Universitas Gajayana   |   School of Economics Indonesia Surabaya (STIESIA)   |   Universitas Sabelas Maret

Memorandum of Agreement (MoA)


CRAUN Research Sdn Bhd


Universitas Panca Bakhti   |   Universitas Sebelas Maret   |   School of Economics Indonesia Surabaya (STIESIA)   |   Universitas Malikussaleh Aceh Indonesia

Further Information

Dr Nur Zaimah binti Ubaidillah

Deputy Dean,
(Industry and Community Engagement)
Faculty of Business and Economics,
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, 94300 Kota Samarahan,
Tel : +(60-82) 584491 Fax : +(60-82) 583999
Email :